Fox-1Cliff Designated AMSAT-OSCAR 95 (AO-95)

Fox-1Cliff Designated AMSAT-OSCAR 95 (AO-95)

Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA
AMSAT VP Operations / OSCAR Number Administrator


Frequencies of amateur radio satellites on the same launch as AO-95

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FUNcube Payload Telemetry Dashboards

FUNcube Payload Telemetry Dashboards

JY1SAT CubeSatJY1SAT CubeSat

Sunday, December 2, 2018 should see two more satellites carrying FUNcube payloads launched into orbit.

With that launch, JY1Sat and ESEO will join FUNcube-1 (AO-73) and Nayif-1 (EO-88).

The FUNcube team have been busy, not only designing and implementing the payloads, but also working on the Telemetry Dashboards and the Data Warehouse.

Each satellite has a dedicated dashboard and we have created a one page summary (FUNcube Dashboard Summary v1) of those dashboards, their current version number and a dedicated download link.

Telemetry Dashboard

We have included the recommended warehouse settings for each satellite as well as the “FCD Centre Frequency”. Note that the frequency we quote is 20 kHz offset from the published telemetry downlink to allow for the zero Hertz spike and close in phase noise that is inherent on SDRs.

Currently, to view the telemetry for a particular satellite, it is necessary to run the dashboard for that satellite. Any telemetry for one of the other FUNcube satellites can be captured and forwarded to the central data warehouse. For this reason, some users tend to run all dashboards simultaneously using the same FUNcube Dongle. Users should remember the that dashboard that was started last, is the one that will control the frequency settings applied to the FUNcube Dongle.

These dashboards are under continual development and the next planned development is to create a single dashboard that will service all FUNcube Telemetry payloads simultaneously. Keep a look out for further news on this unified dashboard in 2019.

ESEO satellite in the anechoic chamber at the ESTEC test facilities, in the NetherlandsESEO satellite in the anechoic chamber at the ESTEC test facilities, in the Netherlands

Telemetry Data Warehouse

All telemetry received via the dashboards is forwarded to the central data warehouse, providing you have registered for an account. This has been a very successful part of the FUNcube project as it has allowed for worldwide data collection by amateurs and for all the data to be available to download and used for educational purposes.

With the pending launch of two additional satellites, some changes where required to allow this data capture to continue in an efficient manner. The data warehouse has a new user interface and all satellite data can be assessed with one URL –

Once at the new user interface, simply select the satellite you are interested in, and all the usual telemetry will be available along with the list of current data providers to the database for that satellite.

Both the dashboards and the data warehouse are under continual development, so be sure to check back for updates.

The FUNcube team is very grateful to all radio amateurs worldwide for their continued support and we encourage you all to join in with the reception of JY1Sat and ESEO telemetry upon a successful launch this Sunday.

73s Ciaran Morgan M0XTD

FUNcube Dashboard Summary v1

Information on other spacecraft on the SSO-A mission with amateur radio payloads

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Es’hail-2 Update

Es’hail-2 Update

Es'hail-2 Geostationary SatelliteEs’hail-2 Geostationary Satellite

Es’hail-2 is still in a temporary GEO slot, according to the Keps at ~24°E. This is not the final location which planned to be at 26°E

The satellite Es’hail-2, carrying amateur radio transponders, launched from the Kennedy Space Center at 2046 GMT on Thursday, November 15, 2018.

On the AMSAT Bulletin Board Peter Gülzow DB2OS writes:

During the next 1-2 month they will perform some fine tuning and extensive In-Orbit-Testing in this position not to interfere with other GEO satellites nearby.

Once that is finished, the satellite will slowly be drifting to and stationed at the final position.

However, several “hunters” have already spotted the Engineering beacon from Es’hail-2, so obviously everything looks good and is according to the plan.. 🙂

The checkout and inauguration of the both AMSAT transponders will be performed after the IOT phase is finished

Stay tuned for latest news on
and the official Es’hail-2 / P4-A discussion forum on

73s Peter DB2OS, AMSAT-DL

Coming soon Es’hail-2 WebSDR

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Amateur radio satellites to launch from India November 29

Amateur radio satellites to launch from India November 29

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) LogoSatellites with Amateur Radio payloads are set to launch from India on an ISRO PSLV rocket at approximately 0400 GMT on Thursday, November 29, 2018.

Talking to the Times of India, ISRO chair Kailasavadivoo Sivan said, “We are going to to launch HySIS at 9.59 am [IST] on November 29 from Sriharikota. Over 30 foreign satellites, including nano and mini satellites, will also be launched along with the main payload. Out of the 30 commercial satellites, 23 are from the US.”

The satellites with amateur radio payloads, all CubeSats, are:




Reaktor HelloWorld

IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination

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FCC rejects AMSAT Orbital Debris Petition

FCC rejects AMSAT Orbital Debris Petition

FCC SealARRL reports the FCC has rejected a Petition for Reconsideration that AMSAT filed 14 years ago, seeking to exempt Amateur Radio satellites from the FCC’s satellite orbital debris mitigation requirements.

The ARRL story says:

The Commission took the opportunity in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order on Reconsideration, released on November 19, that revisits its orbital debris rules for the first time since their adoption in 2004. Among other things, AMSAT had argued at the time of its Petition that applying the orbital debris requirements to Amateur Radio satellites would be cost prohibitive, and that the FCC had not indicated what constitutes an acceptable orbital debris mitigation plan.

Acknowledging that time has made some of AMSAT’s arguments moot, the FCC said the costs involved with modifications to comply with post-mission disposal requirements “are justified when balanced against the public interest in mitigating orbital debris.” The FCC said it determined that closer adherence to the disposal methods described in the rules was “warranted in order to limit the growth of orbital debris” in low-Earth orbit (LEO).

“In any event, in the years since the debris mitigation rules were adopted, and notwithstanding any costs imposed by FCC regulations, well over 150 small satellites have been authorized, with at least 20 of those considered amateur satellites,” the FCC said in its November 15 Order on Reconsideration. “It appears that, to the extent that any costs have been incurred, the main contributor to costs for amateur and similar LEO missions has to do with the availability of launches to appropriate orbits.”

The FCC also said that in the years since the FCC issued its Orbital Debris Order, “numerous licensees, including amateur satellites operating in LEO, have successfully satisfied our orbital debris mitigation requirements.

FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order on Reconsideration

2004 AMSAT Petition for Reconsideration

2004 FCC Second Report and Order IB Docket No. 02-54

Source ARRL

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