Radio amateur brings her hobby to university

Radio amateur brings her hobby to university

Ruth Willet KM4LAO

Ruth Willet KM4LAO

Kettering University reports student Ruth Willet KM4LAO brings her amateur radio expertise to campus.

Ruth, who is double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Physics, was first licensed in June 2015. On her QRZ page she says:

“I love getting on the air on amateur radio satellites! I have operated from a number of grid squares in Georgia, Michigan, Virginia, and more. I am enjoying the challenge of balancing two radios and an arrow antenna, changing frequencies, and trying to talk on the satellite and remember callsigns at the same time! The more passes I do, the more I learn, and I am having a ton of fun. I started out on FM satellites only, and am slowly learning how to do linear satellites as well.”

The university article reports:

She has found that the skills she learns in classes go hand in hand with her amateur radio hobby. Willet plans to start up an Amateur Radio Club on campus in the spring 2018 term to get more students interested.

“I really enjoy sharing this hobby with other students,” she said. “I would encourage people to consider exploring amateur radio because it’s a hobby that allows you to explore anything from technical electronics to international friendships. Amateur radio is open to anyone. It will help develop your professional and personal skills, participate in and learn from fascinating activities, and connect with an incredible community.”

Read the Kettering University story at

Watch Ruth’s satellite operation at GLHamCon ’17

Watch Ruth Willet – KM4LAO – 2017 Hamvention – DX Dinner Keynote Speaker


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HamRadioNow interviews AMSAT President Joe Spier K6WAO

HamRadioNow interviews AMSAT President Joe Spier K6WAO

AMSAT President Joe Spier K6WAO talks about AMSAT and Satellites with Gary Pearce KN4AQ of HamRadioNow at the Orlando HamCation.

Watch HRN 384 AMSAT Update, Live from Orlando


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Orlando HamCation

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AmsatDroidFree now open source

AmsatDroidFree now open source

open source.

This App predicts future passes for amateur radio satellites for a specified location and period of time.

Basic features:
– Calculate passes for up to the next 24 hours
– Graphical pass display
– Map view showing current satellite position and next two orbits
– Update keps from a file on SD card or directly from AMSAT’s webpage using your phone’s internet connection
– Set home coordinates from User Input (Lat, Lon, Grid Square), Network or GPS

Open source code

AmsatDroidFree App on Google Play

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FM transponder satellite AO-92 open for amateur radio use

FM transponder satellite AO-92 open for amateur radio use

AO-92 / Fox-1D CubeSat

AO-92 / Fox-1D CubeSat

On the 03:25 UTC pass on January 26, 2018, AMSAT Vice President Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, announced that AO-92 had been commissioned and formally turned the satellite over to AMSAT Operations. AMSAT Vice President – Operations Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, then declared that AO-92 was now open for amateur use.

Initially, the U/v FM transponder will be open continuously for a period of one week. After the first week, operations will be scheduled between the U/v FM transponder, L-Band Downshifter, Virginia Tech Camera, and the University of Iowa’s High Energy Radiation CubeSat Instrument (HERCI).

Schedule updates will appear in the AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins and will also be posted to the AMSAT-BB, AMSAT’s Twitter account (@AMSAT), the AMSAT North America Facebook group, and the AMSAT website at

AO-92 was launched on the PSLV-C40 mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India on January 12, 2018. For the past two weeks, the AMSAT Engineering and Operations teams have been testing the various modes and experiments on board. Testing has shown that both the U/v FM transponder and L-Band Downshifter work very well. The Virginia Tech camera has returned stunning photos and data from HERCI has been successfully downlinked.

AMSAT thanks the 178 stations worldwide that have used FoxTelem to collect telemetry and experiment data from AO-92 during the commissioning process. The collection of this data is crucial to the missions of AMSAT’s Fox-1 satellites. Please continue to collect data from AO-85, AO-91, and AO-92.

Radio Programming Chart – Fox-1D Doppler Shift Correction
Memory 1 (AOS) – TX 435.340 MHz (67.0 Hz Tone), RX 145.880 MHz
Memory 2 (Rise) – TX 435.345 MHz (67.0 Hz Tone), RX 145.880 MHz
Memory 3 (TCA) – TX 435.350 MHz (67.0 Hz Tone), RX 145.880 MHz
Memory 4 (Descend) – TX 435.355 MHz (67.0 Hz Tone), RX 145.880 MHz
Memory 5 (LOS) – TX 435.360 MHz (67.0 Hz Tone), RX 145.880 MHz

The L-band experiment will use 1267.350 MHz uplink with 145.880 MHz downlink. UHF and L-band uplink operation are set by the command stations; the operating schedule will be posted.

AMSAT Bulletin Board

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Keplerian Two Line Elements (TLEs) ‘Keps’ for new satellites launched in past 30 days

Adding new satellites to SatPC32, Gpredict and Nova

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PicSat Requests Ham Radio Assistance to Capture/Upload Telemetry

PicSat Requests Ham Radio Assistance to Capture/Upload Telemetry

Artist's impression of PicSat in space

Artist’s impression of PicSat in space

The CubeSat PicSat carrying an amateur radio FM transponder was launched on the same PSLV-C40 flight from India that delivered AO-92 to orbit.

PicSat is a nano-satellite aimed at observing the transit of the young exoplanet Beta Pictoris b in front of its bright and equally young star Beta Pictoris, and at demonstrating an innovative technological concept to use optical fibres for astronomical observations from Space.

The CubeSat contains an embedded FM transponder. It will be available when possible during the mission.

Frequency information:
Uplink FM 145.910 MHz 1750 Hz tone when in amateur mode
Downlink FM 435.525 MHz 9k6 BPSK AX25 Data and FM voice when in amateur mode

A description of the telemetry and related information are available on

This week the PicSat team requested amateur radio assistance to capture and upload telemetry packets from the satellite. Beacons received from all over the world are especially useful to monitor the status of satellite along its orbit (and not just when it is above our own station). Science data are obviously useful for the science mission. And all other packets, even when they do not look like much, can be of great importance! For example, we often receive satellite acknowledgements to our commands from ground station in France or Europe which are listening at the same time as us. It may look useless, but it is not. We regularly miss those packets ourselves, so it is good to have other people receiving them and sending
them to us.

There are three ways to send your data. The options for your upload will become available on your profile tab after registration at their website:

Full details of the packet uploading procedure are posted at:

+ Fast upload beacon: mainly intended as a way to directly upload a beacon by copy/paste when you receive, and to get an immediate overview of the satellite status. When you are a new user, this is also the only way you can upload a packet. Upload one beacon successfully, and you will have access to the other methods!

This page accepts a hexadecimal string, like “0123456789ABCDEF” in which whitespaces and upper/lower case are ignored (“01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef”, or even something like “0 1 234 56789 aBc dEf” will be accepted). The hexadecimal string must represent the AX.25 packet (without flags), possibly KISS encapsulated (starting with “C0 00” and ending with “C0”)

+ Upload data: this can be used to upload files containing multiple packets at once. The files are stored on our servers, and processed daily.

+ SiDS requests: This will be implemented in the near future.

PicSat shares a similar orbit with AO-92 since they were both deployed at approximately the same time. PicSat has been included in the 2 line Keplerian Elements distributions. On-line orbit predications for PicSat can be found at

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