Live stream of AMSAT Symposium

Live stream of AMSAT Symposium

There will be a live video stream from the 2018 William A. Tynan W3XO Memorial Space Symposium on Saturday, November 3, starting 1300 GMT (0800 CDT).

Schedule of symposium presentations


Watch the live stream from Huntsville, Alabama

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ARISS Joins NASA On-The-Air for a Special SSTV Event

ARISS Joins NASA On-The-Air for a Special SSTV Event

International Space Station – Image Credit NASA

Amateur Radio On The International Space Station (ARISS) is planning a very special Slow Scan Television (SSTV) event from about 1000 UT Saturday, Oct. 27 until 1930 UT Monday, Oct. 29 on 145.800 MHz FM using PD-120.

Helping to support the event will be NASA’s Space, Communication and Navigation (SCaN) Department.

The Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program manages NASA’s three most important communications networks: The Space Network (SN), Near Earth Network (NEN), and the Deep Space Network (DSN).

Just as in past ARISS SSTV commemorations, twelve images will be downlinked, but this time with six featuring the SCaN educational activities while the other six images will commemorate major NASA anniversaries, ie., when NASA was established, astronauts first landing on the moon, etc.

In addition to the fun of receiving these images, participants can qualify for a special endorsement for the NASA On The Air (NOTA) celebration event. To learn more about NOTA visit

Once received, images can be posted and viewed at

The transmissions are expected to be broadcast at the usual frequency of 145.800 MHz using the PD-120 SSTV mode.

Please note that the event is dependent on other activities, schedules and crew responsibilities on the ISS and are subject to change at any time.

Source AMSAT News Service

Note the ISS transmissions use the 5 kHz deviation FM standard rather than the narrow 2.5 kHz used in Europe. If your transceiver has selectable FM filters try using the wider filter. Handheld transceivers generally have a single wide filter fitted as standard and you should get good results outdoors using just a 1/4 wave whip antenna.

ISS SSTV links for tracking and decoding Apps

You can receive the SSTV transmissions by using an Online Radio (WebSDR) and the MMSSTV software:
• Listen to the ISS when it is in range of London with the SUWS WebSDR
• Listen to the ISS when it is over Russia with the R4UAB WebSDR

ISS Fan Club – Tracking / Predictions

If you receive a full or partial picture from the Space Station your Local Newspaper may like to know

The RSGB produce a handy Media Guide and Template press release for anyone to download and adapt, see

An example of the publicity you can get for the hobby by telling your Local Newspaper

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FUNcube operations

FUNcube operations

AO-73 (FUNcube-1) – Image credit Wouter Weggelaar PA3WEG


As you will know, AO73/FUNcube-1 has been in full sunlight for over one month and has been transmitting continuously high power telemetry for most of that time. This has now been changed to full time amateur mode so the transponder is once again available. With the more stable on board temperatures being experienced, this means that the transponder frequencies are also now more stable. We expect to leave it in this mode for some weeks so that the team can determine whether or not the currents flowing from the solar panels are having any noticeable effect on the spin period.


The FUNcube-2 transponder on EO-88/UKube-1 continues to be in full time transponder mode. There are occasional breaks in service for a few seconds when the OBC reboots and the other onboard transmitter sends its CW beacon.

FUNcube-3 on Nayif-1

EO88/Nayif-1 continues to perform nominally with high power telemetry when in sunlight and amateur mode when in eclipse.

With their slightly different orbital characteristics it is useful that AO73 is now the early bird, EO88 comes over in the mid morning and UKube provides coverage in the afternoon.

We have been suffering from some network issues in relation to uploading the telemetry from the Dashboards to the Data Warehouse over the past couple of weeks. Apologies for this, but hopefully everything is now stable again. ie fingers are still crossed. Thank you for all the telemetry that you upload.

Like many other teams, we are presently waiting for the next Space-X launch from Vandenberg which is expected to be carrying a number of new amateur payloads, These will provide additional transponder and STEM capabilities for the amateur satellite service. Exciting times ahead.

73 Graham G3VZV

The FUNcube Team will be giving a presentation on JY1Sat and FUNcube Next at the AMSAT-UK Colloquium, part of the RSGB Convention, at the Kents Park Conference Centre, Timbold Drive, Milton Keynes, MK7 6BZ. Colloquium presentations will be in Lecture Room 5. Download the programme schedule from

Tickets to the event are available at the door details at

There will be a live stream of the Colloquium presentations at

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Naomi Kurahara JE6GXN at AMSAT-UK Colloquium

Naomi Kurahara JE6GXN at AMSAT-UK Colloquium


Naomi Kurahara JE6GXN

Naomi Kurahara JE6GXN

The AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium is being held in conjunction with the RSGB Convention in Milton Keynes. One of the highlights will be a presentation by Naomi Kurahara JE6GXN CEO of Infostellar Inc.

She will be giving a presentation about her philosophy for shared ground station operation for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites such as CubeSats and Nanosats.

StellarStation Amateur provides free Launch and Early Operation (LEOP) support for amateur UHF band satellites providing access to telemetry data using their worldwide ground station network.

StellarStation Amateur

The AMSAT-UK Colloquium is being held as part of the RSGB Convention at the Kents Hill Park Conference Centre in Milton Keynes, October 13-14. Booking, travel and schedule information via


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Students learn about Amateur Satellites at College Workshops

Students learn about Amateur Satellites at College Workshops

To popularise Ham Radio in western India two events were conducted back to back recently by Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP Regional Coordinator AMSAT-INDIA.

LDRP College Gandhinagar - VU2EXP 2018-07-12

LDRP College Gandhinagar

LDRP College Gandhinagar

‘Ham Radio for GenX’ – Full day workshop with demo was conducted at LDRP College Gandhinagar (Gujarat – India) on 12th July 2018. More than 70 EC students + faculties participated in this awareness event.

Program was inaugurated with kind presence of dignitaries from

From GIAR, OM Pravinbhai Valera VU2CPV (Joint Secretary) & OM Jagdishbhai Pandya VU2JGI (General Secretary) blessed us with their kind presence.

Presentation on ‘Antennas for Space Application’ was conducted by Dr. Ramesh Kumar Gupta (SAC-ISRO).

Ham Radio history & Introductory session was nicely conducted by Jagdishbhai Pandya VU2JGI with several interesting examples.

Thereafter Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP gave good overview on Satellite Communication, Digital Communication, APRS, RDF, IOTA, SSTV & RTL-SDR etc. technology.

Live demo of SSTV was conducted which was very much enjoyed by the students & faculties. VHF demo with mock drill was simulated by VU2EXP Rajesh, VU2JGI Jagdishbhai, VU3IKI Ke Ke, VU3EXP Sakshi & team.

Ham Radio stuff were exhibited incl. VHF/UHF Rigs, PSU, Antennas, Digital Interfaces, Cables, SWR Meter, attenuator, FUNcube satellite model,
QSL Cards, Awards, etc stuff was displayed for the knowledge of the students.

We also got nice support from other fellow hams incl. VU3DVA Deepakbhai, VU3GLY Priyesh, VU3DSJ Dipakbhai, SWL Abhigna etc team.

We had guest presence of Dr Narendra Chauhan Sir (IPR) & Prof. N. N. Jani Sir in the event.

I am thankful to Prof. Dave Sir (HOD – EC), Prof. Mendhe Sir (EC), Mr. Nilesh Makwana (IEEE) to nicely coordinate & support the event.

Program concluded in hope to have good number of future hams from the Institute.

LD College Ahmedabad - VU2EXP 2018-07-13

LD College Ahmedabad

LD College Ahmedabad

‘Ham Radio Practical Insight’ titled workshop was conducted at LD College Ahmedabad (Gujarat – India) on 13th July 2018 in afternoon session. More than 65 EC students + faculties participated.

Dignitaries from IEEE, ISRO, LD & AMSAT-INDIA inaugurated the workshop. It was our great pleasure to have chief guest presence of Shri Rajeev Jyoti Sir (Dy. Director SAC – ISRO) & Chair (IEEE) Gujarat chapter in this Ham Radio Workshop.

Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP explained the latest technology/modes ham world uses & gave quick practical Demos for chief guest. Demo includes CW, Text, Image & Voice transmission/reception with simple VHF Radio sets. The simple experiment techniques used were described. Students were surprised to learn the potential of Amateur Radio & experts appreciate such public demos.

We got nice support from team members VU3EXP Sakshi, VU2UTZ Dinyarji, VU3PMT Mahendrabhai, VU3GLY Priyesh, SWL Ketanbhai during demo & whole event.

Thereafter detailed presentation was given on interesting ham events, digital communication, Satellite Communication, ARISS program, ASOC licencing procedure, APRS, SSTV witth RTL-SSDR etc.

Session remain very interactive with lots of queries which were answered very well by VU2EXP. Also mini Ham Radio exhibition was keenly enjoyed by the audience.

I am thankful to Prof. Usha Madam (HOD – EC), Prof. Arun Sir (EC), Mr. Nilesh Makwana (IEEE) to nicely coordinate & support the event.

Small spark of Ham Radio was ignited, hope we get good number of Hams from the participants, in the future.

Thanks & 73’s

Rajesh P. Vagadia – Rajkot
Regional Coordinator
West India Zone

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