Hubble Finds Medusa in the Sky

Hubble Finds Medusa in the Sky

The Medusa merger, was not always one entity, but two. An early galaxy consumed a smaller gas-rich system, throwing out streams of stars and dust into space. These streams resemble the writhing snakes that Medusa, a monster in ancient Greek mythology, famously had on her head in place of hair, lending the object its intriguing name.

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NASA Attaches First of 4 RS-25 Engines to Artemis I Rocket Stage

NASA Attaches First of 4 RS-25 Engines to Artemis I Rocket Stage

Engineers and technicians at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans have structurally mated the first of four RS-25 engines to the core stage for NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket that will help power the first Artemis mission to the Moon.

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