Colloquium 2018 Saturday Gala Dinner

Colloquium 2018 Saturday Gala Dinner

The 2018 AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium is combined with the RSGB Convention on October 13-14 at the Kent Hills Park Conference Centre in Milton Keynes, MK7 6BZ.

If you wish to attend the 2018 AMSAT-UK Colloquium, you should book to attend the RSGB Convention.

The schedule is at

BUT BEFORE YOU BOOK you might like to consider attending the AMSAT-UK Gala Dinner on the evening of Saturday. October 13 as an alternative to the RSGB Convention dinner. The AMSAT-UK dinner will be held at the Hilton Hotel, which is about 1 km from the Kent Hills Conference Centre; a taxi ride is about £3 per cab. Detailed times will follow, but it will follow similar lines to AMSAT-UK Gala Dinners in previous years. There are normally a few speeches, trophy presentations etc etc.

If you wish to attend the dinner you MUST book this in advance. Dinner Jackets or suits definitely NOT required.

The dinner will be a three course affair, and the cost above does not include drinks which will be available from the hotel bar.

Note that when you book on the RSGB web site you should use the Pick and Mix option to avoid paying for their dinner!

You can book the RSGB Colloquium via

You can book the AMSAT-UK Gala Dinner at

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