Project for school QO-100 amateur radio stations

Project for school QO-100 amateur radio stations


Es'hail-2 Qatar-OSCAR-100DARC reports on a Practical Seminar about the amateur radio QO-100 geostationary satellite transponders. Part of seminar fees goes to the “School stations on QO-100” project.

A translation of the DARC post reads:

Top-class seminar in the DARC office in Baunatal: On February 28, experts from AMSAT-DL e.V. gave around 40 people a detailed insight into the possibilities offered by the QO-100 amateur radio transponders on the geostationary satellite Es’hail-2.

AMSAT-DL President Peter Gülzow, DB2OS, started with a keynote speech. Workshops with four lecturers dealt with different operating modes, different hardware concepts and readily available software solutions for the PC.

Part of the attendance fee will go to the joint project of DARC and AMSAT-DL “School stations on QO-100”. Together they want to equip ten schools that already have a training call sign with a complete reception system for the narrowband transponder.

DARC and AMSAT-DL want to motivate more young people for amateur radio through the possibilities that QO-100 offers.

Source DARC

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